After an accident, you have a lot to think about. With this informative article library written with Texas, Oklahoma, or Arkansas personal injury victims like you in mind, you get beneficial material to help with your claim.
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CDC Alert Fungal Infection OutbreakCompounding Pharmacies caused needless life-threatening fungal infections. Call our lawyers today.
CDC PowerPoint on Fungal InfectionsIf you or a loved one suffered a fungal infection from compounded steroids, let our legal team help you today.
CDC Fungal infection case countscases of fungal infections across country. Let our medical-legal team help you today.
Fungal Meningitis NECP Medical ArticlesLet our medical-legal team help you with your Fungal Meningitis case in Oklahoma, Texas, or Arkansas.
NECP Schedule of Assets and LiabilitiesCompounding Pharmacy disclosures. Let our legal team help you today with your fungal meningitis pharmacy malpractice case.
NECP Background StatementCompounding Pharmacy lists history of claims.
NECP Customer list available here.Compounding pharmacy sent contaminated drugs to facilities acros the USA.
Compounding Pharmacy collected Patient Names to Mislead Regulators. Read article here.Pharmacy collected patient names so regulators wouldn't know it was selling compounded steroids in bulk.+